Saturday, February 25, 2012

Last night I saw a car accident. I know the statistics and I watch the news. Car accidents happen all the time. They happen at an estimate of every 13 minutes. Statistics go out the window when your brought face to face with a group of traumatized young people trying to rescue their injured driver from their car resembling more like a crushed coke can then the hard steel it once was.
  It was so horrible to see and I the mood of our car was completely dampened by the sobering reality that life is so fragile and literally in a blink of an eye, it can end.
Like I mentioned before, Im not naive, Im aware of the dangers that happen on the road, and like life itself, we have no control over what may happen.  I might sound like a complete bore stating something so obvious like how short and fragile life is but my point isn't just that, I just find it amazing how we all know this. We all have the same common knowledge in the back of our minds that we have no idea what a new day holds. Yet somehow we enter each day with an air of confidence and self made plans as if we fate wont ever touch us or dare disrupt our agendas. But thats not the case at all. It wasnt for the the young people in that crazy car accident so why wouldnt it be for you or I?
The image of the driver unconscious and stuck in that rumpled car is engraved in my mind and the whole way home that night left me shaken and in prayer for the victims.
It so easy for me to forget whats the point of each day and every moment of my life, in the mix of the mundane but what last nights incident has humbled me to remember is that it really doesn't take much to come back to the same questions of existence and future. Questions I know will forever unite man kind because even though our answers may differ, each human being has to make a decision to find their answers.
And today I breathe a little easier because I am refined through the tragedy of that car accident that I am completely and unignorably  uncertain of what each day holds. But I do know God and that He did not promise to make my life easy or without trials but he did give His word that those trials would make me better and I would always find hope because of His Spirit that will always be over me (Roman 5:1-5).
Its strange to think how somehow that not getting rid of future trials all together could be compensated by the truth that God is ALWAYS with me. But every time I remember that, peace fills my heart and I know that that knowledge is enough.