Thursday, December 8, 2011

The Grumps.

I hate days like this.
Little brother left his toys and drawings on blank sheets of paper everywhere.
Little sister has been kindly asked three times to stop strumming her guitar in the living room, because we're trying to watch T.V.
Little brother yells at little sister for strumming so loud while hes watching power rangers. Power rangers have been playing ALL FREAKING DAY. Im getting tired of hearing the the little brother pleading for little sister to stop playing that retched guitar and little sister is upset that she "doesnt have the freedom to play her music where ever she wants" and that we "Dont own the living room".
 And I, big sister am about three levels over boiling point with all this guitar strumming and power ranger's "dino thunder" business. All the while, a thumping pain has begun mounting in the carve right between my eyes.
Big sister loses her cool.
Yelling at both of the little monsters to chill out and for little sister to S T O P already. Failed attempt. Yelling, a last resort and a futile effort for peace of home.
Counterproductive to the cause, by yelling at little sister, little sister responds, "Jeeze you dont have to scream at us!"
That thumping ache between the eyes is increasing
Im not screaming, Im just trying to ask you guys to please stop,
    Too late. Any effort to reason with these little ones is useless. Ive lost my cool and they've lost their respect for me. And as trivial as arguments among siblings are, they seem to cause a spread of negative energy now in the house.
No one wants to talk to each other. All around us is this unsettling and infuriating spirit of frustration.
It is apparent we have simultaneously contracted  The Grumps.
 Its one thing to just have a bad day but it really is weird how within my family, I guess to prove how we're so connected to eachother, when one of is just being sour to another the rest seem to all match that response.
Mum had a super stiff neck most of last week and it really made me think about the stress we allow into our house that seems to hover over our family. That maybe having the grumps is more then an emotional thing, but has a lot more to do with the conditions of our spiritual and physical bodies.
I went to a friends church a while back and her pastor said something like, "If your living in stress, your not living in the Kingdom of God.
How can stress not be apart of life? 
     Life can be so overwhelming. Living can hurt sometimes and loving people opens the door to let them disappoint me and creates a vulnerability where I give them power to know the things that make me happy and make me crazy angry. For so long I've believed that stress is just a human condition I just live with and hopefully get over. I was wrong.

For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.."
                                            -Romans 14:17

To stress, to allow it into my heart to weigh me down with things of the world is not Gods desire for my life. He died so I can live life to trust in Him to live it abundantly (Rom.5:17). Stress in not just a human condition, its an attack that tries to pull me away from the Kingdom of Peace. The Kingdom I was torn from a long time ago then bought back into by the blood of Jesus.  He freed me from a life a part from Him, and by His grace I can choose not to let stresses of life wear me out.  I have to let go and give it to the Lord, because every moment I let the things that make me so frustrated and stress me out float in my thoughts, is the same moment I take a step out of the place where God is.
Grace is given where it is needed and even if its something as trivial as petty arguments with siblings, grace is still able to carry me out when I choose to call on it to cover me completely. God's grace is always enough. 